Hi All,
Does anybody know of any course that teach how to trade in the forex markets? Also know as currency trading or fx trading. I know a guy making his living from it but he says you need a good course as i could loose a lot of money if done wrong. There are about 250,000 online courses but hard to know which are genuine and which are scams. I would like to learn from someone irish ideally. Thanks.
Sorry dont know of a course however do work in finacial services, fx trading is extremely high risk and money is usually only made by those with alot of knowledge and experience with the ability to finance very large positions. Best of luck
I agree with some of what JJ says although you do not need a huge amount of capital if done right. It is high risk but so are simple pensions nowdays. I make a very good living from it because i am not greedy. If you are patient and are willing to give it time then you can be thought but if you are seeking a "get rich quick" scheme then this isn't it. Private message me if you want to know more. Anybody interested in this are welcome to PM me.
I use ODL (Metatrader 4). I trade mainly EUR/USD on a daily basis because its less volatile than GBP/USD and the spread is lower. I use other pairs too such as AUD/USD and AUD/JPY if i'm burning the midnight oil but EUR/USD is the safest (or the swissie). I try stay safe as possible.
I have invested with a club in Jamaica (I live and work here at the mo) where only 20% of the fund is traded in any month. This money is then leveraged to a high degree and return 8-12% a month on average. The clubs name is Olint and the "super-trader" is David Smith. Does this sound believeable to you? Are these kind of returns achieveable and sustainable?
I have friends out here that believe it is a giant (the entire working middle-class population is in it from what I can see) Ponzi scheme or drug/gun money laundering operation, but I have more than enough evidence of people making large profits and knowing the individual personally.
I have only a small amount invested because of the normal 'too good to be true' mentality that comes with something like this. I am young and have some USD to play with (he says crying into his coffee this morning looking at the exchange rate!!) so it doesn't bother me if I do lose some of it.