OK so i was browsing the net on my iPod Touch earlier. I was prompted to download an application called
Tapatalk when I went onto another vBulletin site, in this case AVForums. As many people will know, browsing standard format vBulletin sites (like this one) using the iPod (or indeed Windows Mobile etc.) is an often clumsy and cumbersome process.
Not so with the above application downloaded. Navigation is simplified and rapid. It works brilliantly with AVForums. I have no doubt that AAM would work equally well with it.
I quote from the websites FAQ:
Q: My favorite forums have not activated Tapatalk. What should I do?
A: Activating Taptalk is free for forum owners! We suggest you make the forum owners aware of this service and point them to this website as we have a dedicated section just for them.
With more and more people browsing the net on smaller devices, this application could be just what this site needs!
Edit: The application cost €2.39 to download.