Does a potential claim affect NCB?


Registered User
Reversed into a bus a few months ago. Tiny ding on my car and slighly bigger dent in the bumper on the bus Told the insurance company immediately about it and they sent a guy out to me straight away. He explained that because the bus was full of people, there was a potential for a claim from everyone on the bus. The bus was not going at any speed - it was only setting off and it is incredibly unlikely that anyone would even think to issue a claim.

The insurance company accepted liability for any claim that might be made, but I havent heard of anything actually being claimed....Anyway, my premium has tripled.

Fair enough if a claim had been made but I think the insurance co. is just allowing for a potential claim from everyone that was on the bus - which can be made anytime in the next 2 years right?

Would this mean that I would get a similar quote from another insurance co.? Or would I even get a quote?
The problemw ith insurance is that it is completely based on risk and at the moment you are a high risk due to the accident. People have 2 years to make a personal injury claim and until that timeline pasess your policy will be loaded even if noone claims in that period. Unfair as it sounds thats the way risk is carried.
You have a potentially big claim pending. Your NCB is suspended, and you're stuck where you are until the claim is resolved one way or another.

If there is no claim, your NCB should be reinstated and credit given for the suspension period.
Dang - thought that would be the answer. Should I get the insurance co. to confirm they will reinstate NCB and recredit the loaded premium after 2 years in writing? Or will they do this unprompted?