Dodgy Car Salesman Story


Registered User
Just wondering what you think of this story - on Wednesday last I spotted a car I liked on carzone - rang up gargage to see if still there - said yeah- got talking and salesman said he take €500 off the cost up on the net

went to look at it on Thursday morning like it - then car sales man says he'll only give me €200 off - bargained him down more so we shook hands on a price of €5100 - he takes my details and writes down €5150 in his book - I say thats not the price we shook hands on he he starts laughing - i say how much of a deposit do you want and says he doesn't want any but to come back in the morning to sort it out

yeah you guessed it - I come back in Friday morning and he says with a smug face oh I sold it last night for cash and its gone - I say but you shook hands on a deal and he responses saying I tried to change the price - at this stage I just walked away from the waster

so are all car salesmen this dodgy - how can you trust what they say about a car if this is how they act - he is not a member of SIMI but surely there is someone you can report them to for this type of behaviour
Tread carefully. There are some serious criminals involved in the car business (and some of these have been up on charges recently) so just be careful about who you going into battle against.
I did a CRO search and he has been in business 10 years - but i hear you
Look on the bright side: if they won't honour a deal to sell you a car, how might you fare afterward if you had a problem to be dealt with under warranty?
so are all car salesmen this dodgy - how can you trust what they say about a car if this is how they act

Morning and wakey wakey. It's the business full of characters you couldn't trust. Let this be a wakening. As others have said he has done you a major favour.
Morning and wakey wakey. It's the business full of characters you couldn't trust. Let this be a wakening. As others have said he has done you a major favour.

So basically you are saying that the car sales industry is full of criminals?
No, I didn't say that. What I am saying is that there are a fair amount of ruthless unscrupulous characters in the business. It is wrong to say all in the same manner as saying all Germans are Nazis, but it gives a fair analysis of the type of business and the cautions that must be taken in dealing with them.
It is wrong to say all in the same manner as saying all Germans are Nazis, but it gives a fair analysis of the type of business and the cautions that must be taken in dealing with them.

its just the way it came across in your words.
ANYWAY! OP, looks like you had a good escape.

My dad has been having problems with a garage in Longford atm, and I really wish we had never set eyes on them.
Yep, and so avoiding the OP a potential bad situation.

If the garage couldnt hold the car overnight, then theres something seriously wrong.
No harm done at the end of the day. I don't think it's a huge deal anyway - sharp, sneaky sales guy maybe but this kind of thing happens all the time. No money exchanged hands - the OP is not out of pocket.
I'm glad I avoided it - the warranty I'd be given would be worthless if this is his general behaviour