The HSF and the HSA are completely different.
Here is a link to the HSF (Hospital Saturday Fund) Irish page.
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When you click on a scheme you can see what the benefits are. For my family the HSF more than pays for itself every year.
Receipts from all the family can be added together. One visit to a dentist and an optician and you are into serious money. I'm in Scheme 750.This costs E32.50 per month. For this, in addition to the optical and dental benefit, you also get E19 towards the cost of a GP visit, up to a maximum of 10 visits per 12 months and up to E40 towards the cost of 4 prescriptions in a year..
Also should you be unlucky enough to have a couple of days in hospital they pay E84 per night.
If you or your family have to attend a consultant you can claim back up to half the cost, subject to a maximum pay out of E900 per year.
A grant E500 for having a baby - worth thinking about, if you are considering starting a family. Plus refund of 1/2 the cost of the consultant.