Do you see the union jack as being an english flag?

Don't judge until you've been on one of these holidays. You sound like a bag of laughs you do.

If I am being honest, I think that these Ibiza Uncut style TV shows, of which there were plenty, were filmed to be as offensive as possible. People swilling drinks, having multiple sexual partners, vomiting, urinating in street corners, getting arrested and lauging about it, Union Jack boxer shorts, GAA tops in nightclubs, drugs, fighting etc. etc.

Fair enough, it is only television.

But then there was an expectation from people going to these resorts that this kind of behaviour was acceptable. And people going on such 18-30 type holidays felt they had to live up to this behaviour because they had seen it on the TV.

VD clinics are full of people having been on these holidays. Others get sunburnt by getting so drunk they fall asleep in the sun. Foreign Police are starting to crack down more heavily on troublemakers than before. Never mind the bodily damage from abuse of alcohol, drugs or the likelihood of falling off a wall or getting knocked down.

There are very real consequences to the kind of behaviour which can go on in these resorts and I make no apology for placing any insulting label on those who go with Ibiza Uncut on their minds.

Apart from the sunburn and union jack boxers, it sounds like any night at Coppers.

The most annoying thing for me about those programmes is when I was that age I never saw any of that debauchery. And trust me, I looked hard enough for it.
I've skipped right to the end of thread

The Union Jack is the navy flag isn't it?
Different to what most people think the flag is.
I've skipped right to the end of thread

The Union Jack is the navy flag isn't it?
Different to what most people think the flag is.

This name came, I think, from the hoisting of the flag on the "jack staff" at the bow of navy ships. Any flag flown on that pole is called a "jack".
Apart from the sunburn and union jack boxers, it sounds like any night at Coppers.
LOL, exactly! Or any nightclub around the country too btw.

I've skipped right to the end of thread

The Union Jack is the navy flag isn't it?
Different to what most people think the flag is.
In the interests of accuracy, it's the Union Flag.
It only becomes the Union Jack when flown from a ships mast.

Scumbags are from all walks of life, and don't need to have a Union flag/Stars'n'Stripes/Tricolour/etc. tattooed on their person to make them so. Neither does such a tattoo a scumbag make.

It's like saying everyone who's a vegetarian/has long hair/smokes spamspamspam is a good-for-nothing hippy who should be arrested on sight
Allowing Wales and Scotland to play in world cup qualifiers would be no different to allowing Bavaria, Quebec, Texas, Canton, Brittany or even Cork field their own teams.

Don't start them off
People swilling drinks, having multiple sexual partners, vomiting, urinating in street corners, getting arrested and lauging about it, drugs, fighting etc. etc.

You remind me of part of my youth in Cricklewood and Kilburn. Those were the days in the National.........
In relation to SJ's original post, I see the Union Jack as being an English flag though I am aware it is not. I am Irish and was born in Ireland so I would see it that way.

I consider Scotland and Wales to be nations whatever the legalities.

I worked in London for a time and I though the English that I met were really nice, very well mannered people. Really polite with their driving as well.

I don't think Csirl should send any emails, sport and politics etc and we are where we are and have a kind of peace so let's leave well enough alone.