Do you have the bandwidth for X?


Registered User
That's the latest buzz word phrase where I work & it drives me mad.

It basically means "do you have the time / resourses to do X?"

What's the worst buzz words you've come accross?
I hate the use of the word 'like' does that count? eg) it was like so wet outside so I was like no way! - drives me nuts and also the 'oh my god' phrase - combine the two and my head explodes!
to "Bottom line" something. As in to get the the core of an issue.
It's like, Oh my God, so annoying!
If someone is using too many buzz just say; "Oh my God, will you just, like, bottom line it for me!!!"
That should work.
this probably doesn't count but I found it hilarious - my OH's brother was telling me about this girl he met - he said he wasn't going to see her again cos she had a butterface....................... nice body butter face!
FYI on an email subject line is my hate
Why dont they just say what them mean which is
"This is for you not me, I am not taking any responsibility for it being done, so leave me alone"
FYI on an email subject line is my hate
Why dont they just say what them mean which is
"This is for you not me, I am not taking any responsibility for it being done, so leave me alone"

worse when somebody actually says FYI while talking to you. My little sister (10) was telling me that in school when something is funny they say 'LOL' as if it's a word instead of laughing! Damn bebo!
"In terms of."

I can't stand the phrase now, people seem to toss it into their sentences without any regard for it's meaning. It's one of those annoying pieces of management-speak like "going forward."

"In terms of going to the shops, would you like anything."
"In terms of the report going forward."

I also can't stand it when people habitually use the phrase "rip off" to mean a fradulent or deceitful transaction ;-)
AFAIK, the english lanuage is, like, dynamic and changing going forward. You know, in terms of how meanings are SOOO evolving, bubbling up if you will. This includes the frequent use of TLA's in speech and txt speak. The use of some words in certain situations are just no-brainers, dey'll sink r swim r become easy to drop like low-hanging fruit. If we want others to sing from the same hymn-sheet like us, we should eat our own dogfood.

when looking at the issue at hand did you investigate all the scenarios? What contingencies are in place. You got to look at this wholistically.....


"Let's run this idea up the flag pole, and see if anybody salutes it".

Bonus points if anyone can name the movie that came from.

We all agreed to meet roight...but loike on the night I was left on my Tobler!

Yeah but loike he has a beemer and he'll look reallycute in the phodos! - Ha ha presume you refer to diary of a debutante on last night - was so struck by how lovely the latvian girl was and also the traveller girl - really nice well brought up, polite, mannerly great respect for their parents and aspirations beyond getting absoluuuutely hammered!. Couldn't get over the 'tobler girl' and her buddy who was in fair city- what absolute planks - Ross O'Carroll Kelly would be proud! typical example of obnoxious rich kids left to fend for themselves.

I agree the Latvian and the traveller girl were excited and their escorts treated them really well. Their families participated and it was all made very memorable for them. In stark contrast, the D4 bunch (don't know if they're from D4 originally, they'd just moved in) were a nightmare! No family participation, and a complete lack of respect for the girls from their escorts. I don't think I've ever heard so many 'Ross O'Carroll Kelly' sayings in one sentence before!