Do you follow anyone on Twitter?


Registered User
I got a smart phone last week and looked at Twitter for the first time. I fail to see the point of it (Maybe at 38 I'm too old!).
Do people use it more to send messages or follow certain 'celebs'?
i don't but a friend told me about his website getting tweeted by an irish dj recently and his site visits showed a huge jump in traffic so there is definitely positive advertising power in Twitter.
Twitter has become a different social media form to the likes of facebook. It tends to be that you have your friends and family on facebook (if so inclined) and then on twitter you follow people of similar interests.

I mainly follow breaking national and international news, some sports journalists, tech and gadget news and journalists and a couple of other people of interest.

It's much more flexible than Facebook in that you make it entirely what you want to. Some people do use it as a conversation based social media with lots of chats etc, but I use it for links of interest and such.

Probably best to start with websites you're interested in and follow them, then build from there with other people you may find of interest.
You get out of it what you put in, isn't that always the way?

If you follow the best journalists and reporters you get the breaking news instantly. I do it with American sports which BBC and RTÉ don't realy cover

But follow trash and you get trash so if you're following z list celebritys going to the toilet and what they had for breakfast then you're not realy using it correctly

It's also possible to get famous people to answer questions. There is a favourite actor of mine who grew up in Lucan but now works in the USA and always answers Irish people

Just figure out what you're interested in and find the best people to follow
I'm older than the OP, and follow some Twitter feeds on RSS - don't have a smartphone.

A couple of sport ones (e.g. e.g. LiterallyJamie, a parody of Jamie Redknapp), a couple of tech journalist ones and some political journalists.

Sometimes, I get a link off these feeds to something that interests me, like a newspaper or magazine article. Most times I just click past them.
I got a smart phone last week and looked at Twitter for the first time. I fail to see the point of it (Maybe at 38 I'm too old!).
Do people use it more to send messages or follow certain 'celebs'?

I am 27 and twilliterate! I have checked it out before but I just can not comprehend why on Earth would I want to know at what time Mr A got up at, where he had breakfast or what he thinks about today!

I am sure, there is also some more interesting people/organisations/people to follow but...I don't really want to follow them I suppose.

Twitter is a social media that offers istant, on the spot updates/info.. in my opinion maybe too much. I understand that these days, it would be inthinkable for a company/institution/organisation not to have some type of media presence but there are many other ways of doing so.

I was involved a while ago in a project explaining the importance of social media to businesses and found the following fascinating:

The social media revolution!
I hate twitter... I hate to follow other people as they would be Gods... The whole twitter-concept is so weird to me!
I suppose its time to rephrase the old chestnut

What's the difference between an egg, a child and twitter
Twitter is a very useful tool. I am not really into the tweeting lark, however, I find it excellent to follow the likes of RTE News, NewstalkFM, SkyBreakingNews, and various other industry modems that are of interest.

I completely agree that following general celebs and the likes a complete waste of time.
Can anyone recommend a few good sports journalsts to follow? I might give it a crack, as an emigrant keeping up with news can be a pain. Waiting on RTE etc. to update their news feeds is painful at times.
Can anyone recommend a few good sports journalsts to follow? I might give it a crack, as an emigrant keeping up with news can be a pain. Waiting on RTE etc. to update their news feeds is painful at times.

If you're talking football, then ..
- Ken Early (kenearlys)
- Graham Hunter (bumpergraham)
- Gabriele Marcotti (marcotti)
- Sid Lowe (sidlowe)
- Jonathan Wilson (jonawils)

From their tweets, you may pick up Twitter IDs for others. Be aware that not all of their tweets are football related. Many of them are like looking at text messages. Some of the above won't all be in English, i.e. Spanish, Italian.
Can anyone recommend a few good sports journalsts to follow? I might give it a crack, as an emigrant keeping up with news can be a pain. Waiting on RTE etc. to update their news feeds is painful at times.

It will depend on what sport you are into?

@European_Tour for Golf, etc.

If you look are the various clubs/associations and see who they are following, it will generally put you in the right direction.