Do UB actually respond to letters?


Registered User
Simple enough question. I've written 2 letters to UB home mortgages in Leopardstown in the past 6 weeks and haven't had a reply to either. I just wanted to change my direct debit with them to a different bank. I called them yesterday (and seemingly got a call centre in Scotland by the sounds of it) and they said they'd no record of either letter, apologised and said they'd send out instructions on how to change it.

Anyway, any body else been simply ignored by UB home mortgages like this?
Anyway, any body else been simply ignored by UB home mortgages like this?

Yes. I've an Ulster Bank mortgage and have got used to the following process, taught by experience: -

  • Send letter by registered post.
  • Ring them 3 or 4 days later to confirm that they have it and to get an estimate of when they will reply.
  • That estimate usually sails by, so I ring again.
In my experience they only respond to emails to named employees.
Murphah - Ive been writing to EBS regularly now for 4 months now and they havent responded. When I call they tell me that someone (a named employee) has written an email and called and apparently Ive not responded to him, and when I ask for him to call me again or forward said email, I get no response at all. Its a brick wall. They are just biding their time I guess - so I my arrears increase unnecessarily (Im trying to reach an agreed repayment, perhaps interest-only) and start proceedings against me.
It feels like real bully-boy tactics.
Murphah - Ive been writing to EBS regularly now for 4 months now and they havent responded. When I call they tell me that someone (a named employee) has written an email and called and apparently Ive not responded to him, and when I ask for him to call me again or forward said email, I get no response at all. Its a brick wall. They are just biding their time I guess - so I my arrears increase unnecessarily (Im trying to reach an agreed repayment, perhaps interest-only) and start proceedings against me.
It feels like real bully-boy tactics.

In a situation where you're in arrears you cannot afford to allow their administrative incompetence to work against you. Put all your correspondence in writing to them and send it by registered post. Attach the relevant posting receipt (with tracking code) to copies of each letter on your own file.
Where a complaint is made in writing to a financial institution - they must by law - acknowledge it (within 5 days?), then follow up with an expected resolution date within 14 days - and then communicate its status within 30 days. The regulator sets these rules.

So best option is to complain about the service and write a formal letter to them
Murphah - Ive been writing to EBS regularly now for 4 months now and they havent responded. When I call they tell me that someone (a named employee) has written an email and called and apparently Ive not responded to him, and when I ask for him to call me again or forward said email, I get no response at all. Its a brick wall. They are just biding their time I guess - so I my arrears increase unnecessarily (Im trying to reach an agreed repayment, perhaps interest-only) and start proceedings against me.
It feels like real bully-boy tactics.

Can't see any judge entertaining EBS if you're paying interest only and the bank aren't playing ball, particularly in the context of MARP which obliges them to examine all available options.
Thanks for the feedback guys. LDFerguson - yes I send them all by registered maill and keep the receipts.
Unfortunately what happened back in Nov 12, is that I happened to say to one of the guys on the phone that I was renting it out (whilst I couch surfed for free elsewhere) and he immediately sent me a BTL mortgage application and said I was now an investor. When I didnt return the BTL application forms, they sent me a letter in February saying I was "uncooperative" and they have handed me over to their legal dept. Since then Ive been writing to outline my situation and asking to reduce payments etc and Ive had no response. I understand that I am no longer able to use MARP as Im now an "investor" - a real joke since the rent is much lower than the repayments and Ive no other way to meet their repayments except to rent out.

So many people are renting out their properties and its very common now so I didnt think it would matter so much
Thanks for the feedback guys. LDFerguson - yes I send them all by registered maill and keep the receipts.
Unfortunately what happened back in Nov 12, is that I happened to say to one of the guys on the phone that I was renting it out (whilst I couch surfed for free elsewhere) and he immediately sent me a BTL mortgage application and said I was now an investor. When I didnt return the BTL application forms, they sent me a letter in February saying I was "uncooperative" and they have handed me over to their legal dept. Since then Ive been writing to outline my situation and asking to reduce payments etc and Ive had no response. I understand that I am no longer able to use MARP as Im now an "investor" - a real joke since the rent is much lower than the repayments and Ive no other way to meet their repayments except to rent out.

Any way you can move back in to the property and share with your tenants? Under the rent-a-room scheme (where you sub-let your own home), you can receive up to €10,000 per year in rent without tax liability and without affecting the property's status as your home.