Do traffic signals not apply to cyclists?


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On my way home from work yesterday I came to a junction where the lights were green. I wanted to make a left hand turn but being a careful driver I slowed as I approached the lights. Just as well as a cyclist on the road I was turning onto came through the red lights at speed. If I hadn't slowed I would certainly have hit him. I hit the breaks but quickly began to edge out whereupon another cyclist came through the red lights - this one not as fast andhe was looking about for oncoming traffic. But the fact of the matter was he came through a red light. My question is (and I know all the difficulties for cyclists in the city with inconsiderate motorists opening doors etc etc) do the rules of the road not apply to cyclists? This isn't an isolated incident - I've seen it many times - and while they are obviously putting themselves in danger they are also endangering any pedestrians who may be crossing at lights.
Do traffic signals not apply to cyclists?


do the rules of the road not apply to cyclists?
Of course they do. As a (former for the past while) commuter and leisure cyclist the carefree/less attitude of many other cyclists to the rules of the road and traffic lights in particular always annoyed me too.
Don't get me started! Firstly, I think that anyone who cycles in Dublin traffic is pretty brave but the risks they take are unreal. Was driving into town one morning during peak time with a friend. We counted the number of cyclists we encountered along the way as far as was possible (about 3km journey). Of the high number we encountered that particular day just under half of them broke traffic rules. Cycling on the footpath, breaking red lights mostly.
My understanding is the Rules of the Road apply to all road users. As a recent convert to cycling after almost 30 years driving ( caused mainly through huge growth in motorised traffic where I live/work ) I am conscious that I tend to apply my driving behaviour to my cycling. However there are cyclists who believe that some road laws do not apply to them, as is also the case with some motorists.
Seemingly not.
Traffic signals are only for engined vehicles. As a bicycle is just walking or running by other means, cyclists only need to get around by what they can see or hear. If there is no traffic at a junction, then sail on thru'. :rolleyes:
A cycling friend of mine has been cautioned for making an illegal turn and given a ticket for running a red light in Dublin City Centre by Dublin Traffic Corp - so if they are caught they ARE dealt with. However, you can hop off your bike and walk it round a corner that you are not allowed drive round and thats allowed apparently.
There is another phenomenon that I would like to tackle cyclists on - in around Pearse St, Ringsend and Irishtown at night, I have seen cyclists dressed entirely in black with no illumination or luminous clothing on. Are they happy to dice with death ?
My understanding is the Rules of the Road apply to all road users. As a recent convert to cycling after almost 30 years driving ( caused mainly through huge growth in motorised traffic where I live/work ) I am conscious that I tend to apply my driving behaviour to my cycling. However there are cyclists who believe that some road laws do not apply to them, as is also the case with some motorists.

As a pedestrian, I see cyclists committing significantly more offences particularly in city centre traffic, and as a result putting pedestrians in more danger than motorists - whether it's cycling on footpaths or breaking traffic lights.

A guy cycled up behind me the other day and clipped me as he passed on the footpath, misjudging the gap. He didn't even slow down or turn his head to acknowledge it.

As for ignoring traffic lights, the cyclists that stop for them are few and far between.
I want to add a bit of balance to this: I sometimes drive/cycle/bus it in to town.

On the bike I make a call depending on safety. I would never go across a cross roads on a red light - regardless of what's there/not there. In town with the number of pedestrians, I'd never break a light - period. However, if I'm at a T junction out locally I can think if two places where I'm going along the straight, I'll wait for any cars that are turning on to the road to do so, then I'll go ahead - assuming no pedestrians, etc... Reason - it's safer for me to be ahead of traffic than taking off with it. They're all in a rush to get past me and have been near killed in the process. Where as if there's a bit of space between us they've more time to pull out safely to over take me. I know that it's not correct - but I've a bit of self preservation!

There are a number of cycle lanes with parking either side of them - it is more dangerous to use them than not to!

I would never go on the inside of a car (in my cycle lane), if that car was indicating to turn left. But the number of cars that don't bother signaling - sure who needs to know? This is a daily occurrence that I'm wondering which direction a car/van/bus will take and always giving the benefit of the doubt (particularly along the quays in Dublin).

Similarly I near killed a pedestrian outside Trinity last week. I'd a green light, was cycling in the cycle path and the traffic was just taking off, I was a bit back from the lights. A pedestrian was crossing (breaking the lights), and in between traffic – so I couldn't see her. She didn't even glance in the direction of oncoming cyclists. I didn't hit her, but it was very close - screeching of brakes, and much verbal abuse from me! But I have these near misses on a regular basis with pedestrians jay walking (I don't mind someone jay walking - but please, look first!)

I suppose I'm just trying to say that it goes both ways! But I agree - there are some kamikaze cyclists out there who bug me no end.
Plus the other one that really annoys me is cyclists not dismounting to cross the footbridge between IFSC & City Quay despite the signs.
Sure the laws of the road apply to cyclists and they should respect the laws. The ones not respecting the law should be fined by the guards.

On a related note I would suggest that all motorists should cycle a bike around town in traffic someday. I'm sure we would be see a lot more indignant people posting about getting cut off, squeezed in lanes and knocked off bikes that we currently do. If a someone drives aggressively and hits a car he will damage the car. Do the same thing with a cyclist and you can seriously injure or kill them.

If the roads were built like the cycle lanes, there would be bus stops and traffic ligths built in the middle of the road, broken glass spread across the motorway, ramps every 30m on all roads etc. Most are jokes built as symbolic acts by the local authority.
Yes, cyclists have it tough. I used cycle in town all the time but wouldn't now as I think its much too hazardous. But when I cycled I observed the rules of the road. And I don't condone but don't mind so much those cyclists who ease across empty roads but there seems to be a breed of cyclist who blatantly flaunts the rules of the road - cycles at great speed through red lights, goes up on footpaths to fly past traffic etc.
I agree most cycle lanes are a joke and the city isn't designed with cyclists in mind - if it was many more people would cycle including myself - but that doesn't excuse the behaviuor of these rogue cyclists!
Very many cyclists in Dublin may be seen breaking the law all day every day yet the Gardai very rarely react to the law breaking, Why?

And make no mistake, cyclists like the above are criminals.

It's still illegal to cycle on pavements, run red lights, ride the wrong way down a one way street, (resulting in the death of a pedestrian in Baggot ST a few years back) whizz through pedestrian crossings (when pedestrians, mums with prams and the disabled are actually crossing them) and hop from road to pavement with reckless abandon and the attention span of an amoeba.

And yet they're not treated as criminals by so called environmentalists, Green party ministers and the people responsible for transport in DCC, teh NRA etc, rather, cyclists are elevated as warriors fighting against an irresponsible and polluted world, two-wheeled titans of a healthy and eco-conscious crusade and martyrs of an ethical and planet- saving battle that will one day have us all riding buses and recycling our potato peelings.

Rubbish. They behave as law-breaking lunatics masking their own inconsiderate egos under the pretence of doing something right-on and commendable.

How can we possibly encourage children and volk to engage in what should be a healthy activity when the cyclist mindset is anti traffic law anarchy
That's right, some balanced discussion :rolleyes:

I have been hit by a car while I was walking on the foot path – car didn't stop. I have been knocked down by a car that decided to turn down a side road despite me cycling towards him straight on the main road – car didn't stop. Fortunately I was just bruised in each case. I've reported a car that mounted the path so many times it eventually stopped with two tyres ripped to shreds - reported to the guards and nothing was done (was at 8:30am when people going to school/work)

I don't dispute that there are rogue cyclists – but my experiences have led me to believe that it's not just cyclists that are the problem. (Look up the figures for deaths caused by motorists in a given year) - Is it more dangerous than someone speeding or tail gating in the car? [I'm not condoning any of the behaviours, but it's very easy to see the cyclists as your sitting in the car in traffic]

And of course you're correct, all cyclists are green hairy crusty's that would love nothing better than to cycle a recumbent. No, none of us just figure it's a more efficient method of transport for where we're living with the added benefit of being a bit fitter!
I agree that cars can be just as bad as bikes but at least you can take down the reg plate of a car... I recently got knocked over while crossing a road in town when the pedestrian light was green and the guy basically ignored me and cycled on ! I couldn't believe this but short of jogging after him and seeing where he went had no come back. My boyfriend's sister lives in switzerland and she says everyone has to have a licence to own a bike and they all have reg plates. I think is a great idea to ensure there is accountablity for cyclists.
I think that's fair and would have no issue with a plate on my bike - or it being tied with my drivers license.

It should be noted that Switzerland I believe also has stricter rules on pedestrians, see here or [broken link removed]

Should pedestrians have "plates"/ID cards? I've had some very near misses with pedestrians in the last few weeks - where I had a green light and pedestrian walked out in front of me. This doesn't count the daily swerves to avoid ones that just step out on to the road to walk past someone on the footpath without glancing back first to see if anyone else is on the road.

If a cyclist goes on the path, they are putting pedestrians at risk. When a pedestrian walks out on the road in front of a cyclist, they are putting the cyclist at risk of ending up under a car.

Point is, yes there are rogue cyclists - but trust me there are as many pedestrians jaywalking, motorists on the phone, not indicating, speeding or tailgating.
And make no mistake, cyclists like the above are criminals.
Have you ever driven above the speed limit ( even 1kph )? YOU ARE A LUNATIC CRIMINAL.
Have you ever driven on your own while on your provisional licence? YOU ARE A LUNATIC CRIMINAL
Have you ever stopped in a yellow box? YOU ARE A LUNATIC CRIMINAL
Have you ever crossed a road within 50m of a pedestrian crossing? YOU ARE A LUNATIC CRIMINAL.