Do tracker rates only run for a period if no date is mentioned


Registered User
I have a quick question,back in the height of the boom I approached my bank to switch my buy to let mortgages to tracker rates, which they did pretty much straight away.I signed the relevent forms to do so, however a few years later they said the tracker time was up and we had to switch back, which we did. Not to drag this thread out , I was looking at the tracker letters yesterday and they did not in anyway show or imply an end date for the tracker rate!.My question is do trackers have a fixed time if no expiry date is mentioned?
Shadow based on what you've posted there was no end date. Double check all documentation. We have many people on AAM who have fought and won their traders back.
Hi Shadow
In short the answer to your question is no, a time limit did not apply, however if they came back to get you off the rate there may be some issue surrounding the forms you signed. Need to know the bank your dealing with or was it the result of an arrangement that they withdrew the tracker rate (namely extension of interest only as an example) Private message me and i can look into it for you in more detail if you wish but something seems amiss but would need more details
Hope this helps Padraic