Do the teachers actually have a point?


Registered User
I was reading this article on RTE ( about (mostly new) teachers protesting against pay cuts etc and how there is nothing left to take from the Education budget. Whilst I am not in a position to comment on the overall budget, I would have thought the fact that teachers now starting on lower salaries than teachers have done previously is pretty much a fact of taking up teaching employment in teh current environment (i..e Ireland is broke).

My point, which probably isn't that clear above, is how can it be reasonable to benchmark your earnings / salary on what other people have gotten before (this applies to private and public sector...this is not a public sector bashing post!).

In my profession, I am definitely a few years too late to earn the £100,000+ salaries my predecors could in a year, but I am aware that my employer isn't as plush with cash as they were back then. Annoying? Yes, as liket the eachers, I work just as hard (probably harder with fewer emploees doing more work) but there's not much I can do about it. I accept it, or move job when the opportunity arises. Either way it is what it is.

Or am I missing the point?
I agree and it beggars belief IMO

Effectively what they want is salaries at Celtic Tiger levels but mortgages at Celtic Pauper levels

You can't have it both ways or, as my preferred cliche goes, "you can't have your cornflakes and eat them"