I don't accept it.
I can easily imagine our Gov clouding the issue with technical language, and claiming they had no choice, and refusing to answer straight questions. (Similar to the bank bailout for example, which did happen, for bad reasons, at exceptional speed, behind closed doors, and was then 'irrereversible'). They may have the IMF or the EU announce the PO burning measure.. but however it's done, I can easily see a situation where savers are burned, and our government apologise profusedly. But so what the money would be gone, and you can't eat apologies.
Anyone leaving money on deposit in Ireland is exposing themselves to the way things work here.. which is often dysfunctional, and mostly unfair.
I can easily see a situation where the Gov is on radio saying that on advice from the Attorney General they had to burn all debts equally, .. and well, they're very sorry, but it's now done. I wouldn't trust them at all, and they can hardly complain, they have lied and lied.
There is no perception that our government is genuine and honest, at least not to me. It'd be similar to the RC church saying that they took child abuse seriously.. well, there is no evidence for that, and much evidence to the contrary, so I believe the RC church condones and facilitates child abuse, regardless of what they might say.. their actions speak louder than words. If our government had any courage the Papal Nuncio would be gone, or in prison.. and our embassy to Rome would be recalled, I can't believe it's still there. My point being that our Gov makes strong statements on this issue, but doesn't take any strong action... so it's just words.
Post Office Savers are at risk in my view.