Do Renault do any test marketing when they decide on the name for their cars?


Do Renault do any test marketing when they decide on the name for their cars?

When ever I hear of megane I think of the "man from strabane".

When ever I see fluence I think effluence!
Funny only had that conversation today with someone,whenever I see the fluence on the back of a Renault it reminds me of flatulence...funny that.

It would be hard to beat Mitsubitshi who launched the Pajero in Spain to mush laughter at the press launch at the time...Pajero is Spanish for a word that begins with W and rhymes with banker...needless to say a name change was in order.
I actually hate all Renault names.



They should go back to their digits: 4, 5, 9 etc. You know where you stood then

A lot of car "names" are a bit off the wall anyway.

Honda has some particularly bonkers examples - familiarity leads to a shrugging acceptance I suppose but when you think about it:

Jazz (not too bad, funky, cute etc)
Civic (WTF!?)

All the Renault names have an element of French language to them though to give them that sense of Parisien fashion. I think that is what they use to differentiate from other cars.

Citroen used to do the same but their cars began with the letter X, which might be extremely pronouncable in French, but Irish people can't really get their tongues around Xsara.

I think that car names in general tend to be fairly awful when taken away from the car itself. The hope is that the car becomes bigger than it's name. Like the 'Kraft durch Freude wagen'.
A little off topic but speaking of bad names for products - anyone seen the ads for 'Bumpits'?

I imagine this is a bad translation - I understand it means Bump It - but I always just think Bum Pits