Do people keep a weapon in the bedroom?

You are quite scary.... but in a good way.

I agree!!!

The maglite is a great idea actually, it means you cant be done for carrying a weapon with intent, plus you can switch it on to inspect the damage after youve whacked someone with it
I stand to be corrected but my understanding of the current law is that you should retreat and put one door between you and the intruder.

Does your front/back door not count?
I'm actually a big softie. Just very realistic when it comes to my family's protection. I don't want to kill any one but I do want an intruder taken to the ground and fast.

Ever notice the way Gardai and security guards love to carry maglites?
I've a baseball bat beside the bed and a 4D-Cell Maglite.
To borrow a phrase, "I don't know karate, but I know Crazy, and I'm willing to use it".

If someone breaks into my house to burgle/assault me or my wife, then all bets are off and a swift blow to the intruders knee will incapacitate them. After that, it's up to you what you do to them.
However, I think you're more likely to be jailed than the intruder, such is the ridiculous law on 'rights' in Ireland.

This thread reminds me of a joke about a man who rang the cops when he heard an intruder. The cops said there was no-one available and to lock himself in the bathroom. He rang back 2 mins later and said that it's ok, he'd shot and killed the intruder. 2 mins later, there were 3 cop cars, a SWAT team and a police helicopter outside. They caught the (uninjured) intruder red-handed. The ranking officer said "I thought you said you killed him" to which the man replied "I thought you said no-one was available".
Does your front/back door not count?

I don't believe it does. I believe you have to put another door between you and the attacker. This stinks. Consider the case of you in your sitting room and your child upstairs in bed. By implication of the law you would have to wait in the sitting room while the intruder was in your hall. Personally, I'd come at the intruder if he came between me and my children and leave my fate in the hands of the jury.

I know FG have had bills in the Dail to change the law for at least 4 years. However, nothing has come of them yet.

The Times reported the following on 14 Nov:
"The legal position on the rights of law-abiding citizens to strike out against intruders is unclear. The Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act 1997 makes clear that reasonable force may be applied by somebody seeking to protect themselves or their family from injury, assault or detention. Force can also be used to protect one’s property from “destruction or damage caused by trespass”. However, where a citizen stands legally when simply confronting an intruder in their home in not specifically dealt with.
To further complicate matters, the Act allows for juries to consider whether a person finding an intruder in their home availed of an opportunity to retreat before using reasonable force. This appears to undermine the right to use force.
The Minister for Justice, Dermot Ahern, recently told the Dáil that intrusion into a home “should not be tolerated”. However, he recently rejected calls for the Government to support a Bill that Fine Gael claimed would give clarity to the level of force intruders could be met with. Ahern has said that the Law Reform Commission is currently reviewing the issue of legitimate defence, and that it would be foolish not to wait for that work to be completed. The commission would make its recommendations known within weeks, he said, and would produce draft legislation.
Whatever the recommendations, public debate around the issue is likely to remain emotive"

Sounds a bit weird, but I've actually thought about the problem of swinging the baseball bat. It would be slow and cumbersome and the intruder is hardly going to stand still while you swing. The trick is (ahem) to hold the bat in the middle, with one hand, thereby allowing you to deliver shorter, sharper jabs with either end.

Terrible problems swinging a baseball bat in a corridor or hallway.

The trick you mention makes it sound like you need a Bat'leth (the weapon the Klingons like to use) - at least you get stabbing action on both ends with one of those.
Or get one of

My cousin has one (he was into martial arts at the time) and the ease with which someone can attack or defend with one is impressive. You might need some practise though....
Like the great quote, along the lines of, theres more law at the end of a nightwatchman's truncheon that the tip of a supreme court judge's pen.
Where did you get it?

Got it in Thailand a few Years ago, haven't tested it on anyone yet. Keep an eye out for one next time your away. I'd hope the electric current flashing in the dark would scare them away or at least make them hesitate before approaching me if they where armed themselves.

This is how I envisage my pick axe handle being used. Swinging should be towards the end of your 'sustained period of self defense' - when the assailant is already incapacitated. Swinging momentarily exposes your entire torso/head also. Outstreteched well placed jabs/lunges to the knees/groin/face is the order of the day initially as it puts distance between you both.

Not that I've given it much thought.
Someone mentioned that they keep a dog outside the bedroom door. We keep the mother-in-law outside the door. She is so scary that even a bear would'nt hug her. Also we found that she is much cheaper to feed than any sizeable mutt .

Apart from all that ,I believe that most burglars are only interested in robbing what they can and do not want any confrontation. Consequently, if lights are turned on , the burglar will scarper .

The use of a weapon should be the very last resort as it could well be taken and used against you
I don't have a weapon but I do have a baseball bat that I brought back from the states years ago.
Another deterrent

Print this thread and pin it to the front and back door
As prevention is better than the cure, please take care this Christmas when throwing out cardboard. Don't leave your wii or 42" plasma box outside the house for collection. You might as well just advertise your new purchases.
Best to bring them to the recycling centre yourself.
Looks like you've no need for contraceptives so!!

Yes indeed, When I look at her before going into the bedroom, it puts me right off ,so we usually make out in the car