Do mice return to where they have been nesting?

Plek Trum

Registered User
Finally caught our wee little field mouse house guest this morning in a humane trap. She had been collecting and storing the bait for 3 days (clever little thing) and judging by her tummy, was expecting a family soon!

I released her outside but didn't have time to explore around the boiler and seal it (which is where she came in.. I think). Reset the bait and trap and left for work. I'm just wondering if mice have a tendancy to return back to where they were intending to nest? Would be great to know its unlikely she'll return.. somewhat optimistic?
How "humane" is it to release a heavily pregnant mouse out into the cold when she hasnt had time to prepare herself.
Just end it.
Finally caught our wee little field mouse house guest this morning in a humane trap. She had been collecting and storing the bait for 3 days (clever little thing) and judging by her tummy, was expecting a family soon!

I released her outside but didn't have time to explore around the boiler and seal it (which is where she came in.. I think). Reset the bait and trap and left for work. I'm just wondering if mice have a tendancy to return back to where they were intending to nest? Would be great to know its unlikely she'll return.. somewhat optimistic?

If you love something set it free. If it comes back to you its yours. If not, it was never meant to be."
Relax! Mrs. Mouse and her unborn babies are well dead without food or shelter on a winter day.
Sweet lord!!
The Inhumanity of it all. For the love of Jebus would you not just allow the little furry pregnant member of the animal travelling community to rest in your warm, dry, food plentiful house. Just at least until the little mites can fend for themselves.
Who cares if the little mice children amuse themselves playing on the night stand just beside your bed while you slumber!!! Think of the good you could do and allow the mouse population to thrive.........And for goodness sake,think of the children.

Failing that, Get a cat!!!!!!