Do I need Solicitor to sell house


Registered User

I plan to sell my house to my sister and am wondering do I need a solicitor to sell the house.
My sister plans to get a solicitor as the buyer, as I understand that they have a lot more things to do.
There is no outstanding mortgage on the house and I have the deeds so is it just a simple process from here.

Can you do any of the following?

1. Draft Contracts?
2. Produce complete evidence of title incluing any title, planning, access or tax issues?
3. Deal with Requisitions on Title?
4. Approve draft Deed so that title passes correctly?

If, as is more than likely the case, you cannot answer yes to any of the above questions, then the answer to your main question is no.

It is not a simple process.

No, unless you know something about Conveyancing, I don't think it is as easy as you make out. If you are seling to your sister, the costs should be somewhat less than to A.N.Other, but if your sister is using a solicitor there will be a heap of legal paperwork to answer.
Hi, Thanks for the quick replies.
It seems I will go ahead with getting a solicitor then.
You could always use the same solicitor as your sister is using. It is quite common for solicitors to act for both parties when they are family and they might give a discount if they are acting for both of you. Worth checking in any event.
It may be cheaper but it may make more sense and avoid any potential conflicts of interest to engage separate solicitors. Don't assume that because it's a transaction involving related parties that any problems now or down the line can necessarily be glossed over. Sometimes it can be quite the opposite!