Do I need planning permission for balcony



I am about to buy an old townhouse. There is an ugly 2 storey extension to the rear. I want to knock it back to a one storey extension and convert the second story into a balcony.There is wasteland to the rear of the house.
Do I need planning permission? I believe the current extension's size is planning permission exempt.

Any ideas?

exempted development no 7
7. The roof of any extension shall not​
be used as a balcony or roof garden.

[broken link removed]

the demolition itself needs permission.......

plus its unlikely that the LA will grant permission for a first floor balcony in a townhouse situation....
We got planning for large terrace on the first floor of our house. We live in an old 1950s estate close to the centre of Galway. On our plans we had included a 1.8 metre 'fence' to protect the neighbours privacy. The back of our house overlooks wasteland. I took photos of the view before submitting planning to show to the planners and I think this helped.

My advice talk to the planners.

Thanks a million.
I will re look at the property with both options.
How long does it take to get a decision on planning permission?
Any guidelines? or is it a case of how long is a piece of string?
from the time you submitt your planning application to a notification of a decision to grant or refuse is usually 8 weeks. if you receive planning permission after the 8 weeks, then you must wait another month to get the final grant, after which you can leagally begin on site (having put in all relevant commencement notices, etc.). of course, on the day before the 8 weeks is up, they may come nack and ask you for additional information, once this is submitted to then, a decision is made 4 weeks later. unless they ask for clarification of the additional information! so, to summarise: the shortest lenght of time for planning is 8 weeks + 4 weeks for final grant + 2 weeks for commencement notice.