Health Insurance Do I need health insurance?


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My job is offering insurance just for myself - a decent plan with Irish life (4D Health2). I am with the Hospital Saturday Fund so get most of my day to day back in full there, and there are additional benefits I haven't needed to touch yet that would cover up to about 1k for consultants and hospitals etc. This is shared among 4 of us (2 adults + 2 children). If I sign up to the plan my employer is offering I would pay about E700 for it (tax + levy).

I am struggling to see why I would need it? Just in case I get sick and want to skip the queue? Could I not just pay out of my pocket then to be seen quicker (then claim it back via HSF/use the money saved by not paying out for private health insurance)? The other smaller benefits just don't add up to it (e.g. I could pay E45 for a cleaner myself, still cheaper than E700). What am I missing?

I am in my late 30s and no pre-existing conditions.
I don't know much about the HSF but if you get sick and want to skip the queue you can pay to see a consultant and claim it back but what if you need a procedure or operation? Does the HSF pay out on hospital stays/consultants fees as well, I honestly don't know as I'm not familiar with it but I always thought they were just for small payouts not the many 1,000s that might be needed to pay for something that was not an emergency.

Obviously everyone's situation is different and at your age you're hardly like to need a hip replacement anytime soon but there can be a hell of a time difference getting one with health insurance or waiting for one on public health. Same applies to lots of procedures.
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Also bear in mind you will be hit with loading of 2% each year after the age of 35, maybe adults should at least consider cover if over that age.
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Hey yes there is 120 per night paid up to 40 nights. Consultant fees up to about 1k. Something small for daycase surgeries and also payouts in case of permanent damage etc. Waiting times seem the main benefit from what you're saying as hopefully I would have saved all those thousands not paying for health insurance for years before I need a hip replacement
Hard to know if you would save enough, my Dad's hip replacement bill came to over 40k They don't all go smack smooth, luckily he had health insurance.

It's all in the personal attitude to risk, I actually had a consultant's appointment today, only waiting 10 days to get the appointment and day case tests scheduled for 31st August, now hopefully nothing wrong but I'd hate to be waiting on public system for same tests. I'm a worrier so I like insurance
Heard on radio the other day there is something like 850,000 people currently waiting to be seen in the public system. Its a scary number.