Do I need a special broadband extension cable?


Registered User
The telephone socket is in the ground floor hall and the pc is on the first floor so I need an extension cable to connect the modem to the telephone socket in the hall.

I have a regular telephone extension but someone was telling me that although a telephone extension cable has the suitable plug on each end, the cable is not suitable and it should be a special broadband extension cable.

I know I need a microfilter adaptor at each junction, but is it correct that I need a special broadband cable and a telephone extension cable is not suitable, even though it has the proper plugs on it...?

Mine runs about 50 feet from the 'phone socket, without any appreciable effect on the signal quality/line speed.
in technical speaking, the BT tech support told me the same when i got my b-band, i sorted it out myself at the end without any expensive cable the normal cable running from downstairs to upstairs.the signal maybe a little weak but not really noticeable. and its very expensive to get those Lan cable.
you can ignore the micro filter, that should do the tricks
Thanks for the replies!

you can ignore the micro filter, that should do the tricks
polo9n, can I ask what you mean about the micro filter?

I was told by the broadband supplier that I would require a microfilter socket at the telephone socket and then also at the end of the telephone extension cable.
its a small box that came with ur modem.
they are to prevent boardband signal interfering with phone signal.

With the filter on my boardband upstairs, so i have to take it out.
Thanks yes I have the microfilter which came with the modem so I have that connected, but I was informed that I will also require another one to connect to the telephone socket down in the hall.

When you said I can ignore the micro filter, I thought maybe you meant I wouldn't require these. Thanks