Do I contractually have to Buy


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Hi, I went looking for a new car at the weekend and some how end up signing for a new car, I've also paid a small deposiot 200. They have to order the car in, so I didnt drive it away on that day.

Anyway on reflection on saturday night I know that this is going to potentially put me under financial pressure.

So my question is this - can I get out of this? What are my rights? I know you sign a waiver to say that once you have the car you cant bring it back if you change your mind, but I'm not sure if you can change your mind before you actually get it.

Any advice greatly appreciated, and yes I know signing for it was completely stupid.

Try saying that you were refused a loan towards its purchase and that you don't have the funds to complete the purchase.

At one time I bought a luxury vehicle that was 2 years old, left a nominal deposit, had second thoughts that perhaps I should buy new so I rang a solicitor. He said that ppl pull out of car purchases every day and that it would be unlikely that the garage would pursue the matter. He told me to tell them that I had been refused finance. And not to discuss it with their in-house financial adviser either. The only document I signed was the big book they used to detail the trade in value of my car and the bottom line I'd have to pay.

As it happens I looked at the car new but decided that buying new needed more research. I bought the second hand car and bought a 'new' 08 last year. Best decision I made because it gave me time to research my new purchase properly.

After all that what am I saying:

Tell 'em you can't get the money and you want your deposit back.
Hi Paddy, I'm buying it from a dealer and it is on garage finance .I have already been cleared for fanance. Maybe I should contact my solicitor, as with sales so slow I wondern would garages be more agressive about persuing instances like this....
I dont think you'll get ur deposit back to be honest, no experience with cars but have seen a couple of lads lose deposits on motorbikes.. And the fact they had to order the car in means they have expenses against the car now..
Another idea ..... difficulty getting insurance?

Because they need to order the car in you must get onto them first thing in the morning. Call personally if possible.

Tell them that you've got outstanding loans and after checking your finances you cannot afford to purchase/the loan. If you tell them that it cannot be ignored.

Re. deposit ..... ask for it back .... but be prepared to write it off as a loss.
Hi Paddy, I'm buying it from a dealer and it is on garage finance .I have already been cleared for fanance. Maybe I should contact my solicitor, as with sales so slow I wondern would garages be more agressive about persuing instances like this....

There should be a cooling off period on the garage finance.

Unless you signed it away.
I will ring first thing in the morning. I bought it just before they closed on Saturday, so I would reckon they haven't ordered it in yet. If I can get the deposit back that would be a bonus, but I would happily lose it (only 100), to get out of the deal. I feel encouraged that Chris and Paddy believe that the deposit is the only thing I will have to pay.
jhegarty: I didn't get a copy of anything only a reciept for the deposit, so unfortunately I can't confirm if I did or didn't...again stupid I know, it was a sima document that I sent, it was for ordering a car

Well if it was ordered just before closing on Sat. then they probably havent ordered it, ring early and at least they can cancel the order.. Wether they give ya the deposit back will depend on the garage, as i said my experiences was lads with motorbikes and there are certain bike shops who will NOT give back the deposits..
Ring them right now and tell them the truth. You'll loose your deposit.

On a slightly different slant it's strange to note that in these days of tighter credit OP was approved for finance that would put him/her under financial pressure.
Check your copy of the agreement and see if you signed a waiver giving up your right to a cooling-off period.
Just tell them your situation has changed and that you dont want the car anymore. Ask them for the deposit back. Its only 200 euro, not the end of the world