Do Eye Products Actually Cause Eye Bags..??


Registered User
On a well known home shopping channel yesterday there was a make up artist who stated that if eye products are placed directly under the eyes that they can lead to bags under the eyes.

He said it's okay if they are placed on the boney area slightly lower down, but directly under the eye where there is no bone support he said the skin absorbs eye products like a sponge.

He said when cosmetic surgeons are doing eye lifts, mostly what they are doing is scooping out eye products which have built up in the soft area directly under the eyes...!

By "eye products" I mean moisturisers, and anti-ageing eye creams etc.
Would anyone know if there is any truth to any of the above...?
When my wife starts talking to me about her latest eye product it causes bags under my eyes as I doze off!
I remember watching one of those programmes (how to look younger than you are - or some such title) and a woman had bags removed from under her eyes. The surgeon said the main cause of eye bags is genetic, and he proceeded to remove what looked like a dessertspoonful of fat from under her eyes. Result - eye bags gone. (Being from a baggy-eyed family, it was full of interest for me.........but I won't be getting it done!)
The person who does my facials told me that you should only use tiny amounts of eye cream around the eye area as it's very delicate. I sometimes use a firming dermalogica product and haven't noticed any bags....yet!!

Also, you should never get your eyebrows waxed as this causes the skin above the eyes to sag prematurely. Plucking is more satisfying anyway.
You find plucking satisfying? *shudder*
Only heard about the waxing=sagging recently. Why does noone tell us these things before it's too late?
Oh Cahir I'm shocked about the waxing! I 100% agree with you about the plucking being satisfying, I actually have a slight touch of trichotillimania thing. I pull out my eyelashes and am totally obsessed with plucking hairs and the jelly bits at the root. I'm fair haired and my boyfriend is really dark so the poor misfortune has many a time woken up from a snooze with me looming over him with a tweezers, sizing up a double hair
Pricilla, I've done that with my Dad when he's sleeping because he start getting those mental old man eyebrows- I think he's afraid now!!

I don't know if waxing/sagging affects other areas - I wouldn't say so as bikini, underarm & leg skin is firmer. I really hope not anyway.
Cahir said:
I don't know if waxing/sagging affects other areas - I wouldn't say so as bikini ... skin is firmer.
When it comes to men sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't!