Do community alert signs need planning/other permission to be erected on public road?


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Do community alert signs need planning or other permission to be erected on public roads?
Signs under a certain size may be exempt from planning. Check the exemption on Dept of Enviro website and with your Local Authority. The size & shape of the sign would be an important factor.
Signage needs to be routed through the Council because if can affect traffic, distract drivers etc.
Signage under a certain size on a building is exempt IIRC, but not standalone signs AFAICR.
Talk to your local Co. Co. paving section and they will set you on the right track.

I will do tomorrow.

These are those standard community alert signs, but they have now placed rather sinister looking CCTV in operation signs underneath them.
I will do tomorrow.

These are those standard community alert signs, but they have now placed rather sinister looking CCTV in operation signs underneath them.
They would have had to go through gardai to do that wouldn't they? i think you have to have garda contact and clearance to have C Alert

From garda website, i cannot post url not enough posts
How do I set up a Community Alert Group?

To set up a group in your area, contact your local Garda Station or your local the Muintir na Tíre Community Alert Development Officer (Tel: 062-51163 or view a list of cannot post url. The group may be set up in response to community demand or as a result of Garda contact. It is important to canvass local residents with a view to securing their support and involvement before introducing a group in the area