Health Insurance Do brokers know specific treatments covered by Health Insurance companies?


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I have become aware that for a specific condition, a particular treatment would be covered by one insurance company and not another insurance company.

Most comparisons of health insurance I have found online compare public to private hospital care. However I am having trouble finding details of what treatments are covered by what companies.
So, if I went to a broker, do they have these types of details?
If I went and said, I need to go with the company that covers the best options of treatment of X, would they know, or would they be able to find out? Would they know which ones where likely to cover new treatments in the future?

I still have a couple of months until my renewal date but I do know that I want to increase my cover at next renewal date so looking to increase it to right level, so that when time comes that I need that treatment, that I don't have a waiting period to worry about.

You would need to pick a broker that specialises in health insurance and go for a fee based consultation.
It would be money well spent in the circumstances. Health insurance brokers would be on the inside track in this regard and are in the position
to find out if necessary.

I've no personal experience of using a broker except hearing a few on different radio shows.
Dermot Goode and Patrick Brennan are 2 well known brokers - I've no connection with any.

[broken link removed]

Regards, Snowyb
Thank snowyb.
I'll definitely go for a fee based consultation.
I was on that track, but wasn't sure if it would make a difference,

Thanks again