Do Bank of Ireland have a customer care email address ?


Seems like a silly question but I can't for the life of me see one for customer services on their website. I want written confirmation of conversation rather than phone and I suspect I may have to contact them a few times before getting a conclusion. I don't have online banking with them but I am a customer in case they have a 'chat' that way.
You can send them a message via their app and perhaps capture screen shots but if you are not a registered customer, not sure if that would work.

Is there a specific part of the bank you want to speak to?
Had the same problem. Found no email either. But I had online banking- so I contacted them there via a function.
Otherwise you have no choice other than looking for a branch to ask the folks in person.
I would have to travel 30 miles to reach the nearest BoI....
Is there a specific part of the bank you want to speak to?
I have a regular saver that didn't get interest added. I think it's because I put too much in on the first month. Usually in the branch you don't get a full explanation and you can't 'come to a conclusive settlement' without mentioning managers who will be on their tea break etc. As it transpires I read yesterday that they're finally offering a 3% 1 or 2 year rate (up to 30k lump sum) which I'd be glad to shift it to but I'm guessing I'll need a current account.