Do any banks take bonus and commission into consideration when applying for a mortgage?

Aaron O'Neill

Registered User
My wife and I are trying to get a mortgage for our first home. We have our deposit of around 20k. I work as a Salesperson and 30% of my salary is commission. My P60s show that I have earned way above the basic plus commission every year, but do any banks take this into consideration?

We are struggling at the moment to find a bank that are listening to what we are trying to tell them. At present we pay €850 rent per month and save €250 each month. The repayments ok the house we are looking at are €670 per month, but we are beine constantly rejected.

Needless to say we are stressed out with the banks at the moment. We have a clean financial history but it's a no go with all of them. Any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks.
Have you spoken to a broker? They have good experience in how to present applications to meet lender criteria, and also give you a realistic appraisal of your chances of success.