Do AAM members support the PublicService union(s) threat to strike over pension levy?

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Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?
Re: Possible public sector strike

I don't see how it will get us anywhere. The whole country should be protesting at the balls the government has made of things

Seems the government is trying to distract from the state of the country by waging a war between public and private sector workers. What we really need to do is get together and wage a war against the government so that they actually sit down with something other than the back of an envelope and come up with a detailed well thought out plan where the figures add up that give people a heads up and what to expect for the next five years.

I think public sector workers accept that they need to feel the pain but feel that they are being picked on. The private sector workers feel they have already had pain and continue to have pain with paycuts and redundancies etc. However private sector companies are starting to pay out on the national wage agreement which has been frozen for public sector workers and so the war continues between the sectors. Lets not blame the workers, whether they be public or private sector, the every day honest worker getting up in the morning is not at fault. We need to make our politicians earn their money and not stand up for this makey uppy reactionary budgeting we need to get proactive and need to do yesterday.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Bang on, Sandrat, bang on! With a little help from a few of their media friends.

Divide and conquer................

Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach! Ní neart go cur le chéile!
Re: Possible public sector strike

Nothing bad has been said so far. Purple is just wondering if people agree with it. I managed to post without breaking the ceasefire so I think more AAMers can do the same. Clever bunch that they are!
Re: Possible public sector strike

I don't think the public sector workers have many friends at the moment so I do not see much support for a strike from the majority of people in the country.
Re: Possible public sector strike

It’s over tomorrow so we only have to be civil ‘till then.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Do AAM members support the public sector union(s) in their call for strike action in protest against the pension levy?

Just from my experience, most of my colleagues I spoke to are not interested in strike action.

I think the union CPSU represents lower paid workers and as Cowen himself said, he was open to tweaking the 'pension levy' so I imagine the CPSU feel he has left the door open to reduce it a bit for lower paid workers. There will probably be some sort of compromise before any actual strike.
Re: Possible public sector strike

I don't think the public sector workers have many friends at the moment so I do not see much support for a strike from the majority of people in the country.

I on the other hand think that 350,000 working people and their families will be supporting their strike
Re: Possible public sector strike

A possible strike will be a big distraction from the very real problems in the economy. I think the unions won't have a huge amount of support - my friends who do work in the public sector all seem to agree that they are lucky to have jobs and that the cuts could have been worse.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Agreed, my public sector friends expected bigger cuts.
Re: Possible public sector strike

They did not get any cuts, unfortunately, to bring pay in to line with the private sector - never mind pay in other countries. What the public sector got was just being told to pay more towards their very generous pensions. Even after the "cuts" ( as some in the public sector may see it ) they are still not paying the full cost of their pension. The govt will be borrowing 7000 per year to pay for each public servant instead of 8000 per year. Who will be expected to pay that back ? Your children + my children. My public sector friends expected bigger cuts.
Re: Possible public sector strike

Speaking as a civil servant i wouldn't supoort strike action for all the people affected by the penison levy however I do think people on lower wages for example €20,000 have been hit too hard.
Re: Possible public sector strike

How many public sector employees are on €20’000 a year (or are you talking about part time/ job share people)?
Re: Possible public sector strike

No, I wont support the strike action as I dont see what it aims to achieve. Last thing we need is this government to be forced to back track again.

Sandrat was spot on . .

This has become public v private sector at the expense of constructive planning on all our parts to work out what we can do to get the country back on track.

People just dont want to focus on how we get things moving again (lets focus on the least important parts of the problem like getting the bankers or blaming the govt for getting us into this mess, yep mightnt sort out the economy but it sure as hell makes us feel better).

Theres disagreements and distrust on all sides of the table, each side as ignorant as the other. I still dont think that the people of this country realise what sacrifices have to be made to get things on track. Some people publically announce that they will take "the hit" for the greater good and then hide behind excuses when it actually hits them.

Personally I think the best way around this is for the government to say that people can opt to be in or out of the pension scheme. Then its their own choice, problem solved . .
Re: Possible public sector strike

I feel under the average industrail wage is fair. What is that 33K. Average TD is on 178k ( including expenses ) which is 5.3 times the AIW.

Never mind the "advisors" who are on over 200K

Oh and i'm not in the union so strike is outside my remit. But i'll be off sick that day anyway!
Re: Possible public sector strike

If they do strike, then firstly it's a saving to the Government and country as they won't be getting paid
Secondly, it would be a good way of finding out how many of the public service we actually don't need and wouldn't miss.
Re: Possible public sector strike

If they do strike, then firstly it's a saving to the Government and country as they won't be getting paid
Secondly, it would be a good way of finding out how many of the public service we actually don't need and wouldn't miss.

1st point is quite true.

But 2nd isn't as the work not done on the thursday will have to be done on the friday. Public offices will be hit most i believe. Social Welfare etc.
Re: Possible public sector strike

i'm not in the union either but am on unpaid leave, what day are the proposing the strike for
Re: Possible public sector strike

its Feb 26. I'll be off having an operation but i'd cross the picket line as i have no time for unions.
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