Divorce question.


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A friend is going through divorce at the moment (amicable), and as she is on social welfare, is getting free legal aid. She hoped that this would make it as cheap as possible for her ex. and was of the opinion that when it was not contested, that he would not have to go to a solicitor and incur the expense.
He has gotten a letter that he did not reply to the last letter served on him and has to appear in court. They thought that if he did not respond, he would be deemed to be in agreement with proceedings. Is this the case, or should he write a letter stating same, or does he have to appear in court.
He should probably make some reply. Maybe a letter to the court stating he is not contesting and they are divorcing amicably.
Have they got any 'solicitor' friend to give them some 'free' advice.
Sorry, no solicitor friend. Anyone any idea of the cost of a solicitor if the divorce is amicable. Would not require much paperwork, or appearances I would think. I am friendly with them both.
Sorry, no solicitor friend. Anyone any idea of the cost of a solicitor if the divorce is amicable. Would not require much paperwork, or appearances I would think. I am friendly with them both.

Be very careful when choosing a solicitor. My uncontested divorce (ex was other side of the world for past ten years) cost me an astonishing €8000. On the day I attended court for a ten minute hearing I was accompanied by my solicitor and a barrister. My solicitor insisted that I need a barrister. Of course now I know different. The judge was not happy to see the barrister either and pretty much his only question to her was "why are you here?" Throughout the course of seeking the divorce, my solicitor would not give me any indication of price and when they finally issued an invoice, would not take my calls to discuss same. Instead, six weeks after the invoice was issued threatened me with legal proceedings if I didn't pay it immediately. At that time my kids were small and it put me into severe financial difficulties. Luckily I had been sending money in advance over the two years it took her to get my case to court so I had already paid €1500 off but I had to borrow the €6500 to get rid of her. Nasty nasty people. When I think of it I just get soooooo mad!

Erm - sorry, got a bit carried away there!
Tell your friend to have her ex write a letter to her solicitor confirming that he has no objection to the divorce and will be unlikely to attend the proceedings. If there are no issues regarding maintenance or custody of children then I don't see why he would need to embroil himself in the legal profession and thus avoid the debacle I found myself in!
To anyone else thinking of getting a divorce but who doesn't have legal aid - do it yourself. If I'd known then what I know now!!
If you contact the courts in Smithfield (01 8886810) they can do the divorce them selves for a small cost. The fact that its amicable too. They will give you guide lines on what to do.

A lot depends on the legal separation in the first place. My uncontested divorce cost me nothing but a morning in court. My separation cost a small fortune due to all the paperwork involved.

In direct answer to OP, you reply acknowledging the process and confirm that it is uncontested. Your friend will stilll have to appear to state to the judge that this is in fact the truth and that you are not contesting the divorce. Job done once all the effects of the marriage, kids, house etc are taken care of.