Divorce pending: pension rights for wife


Registered User
I have an urgent question; my retired partner is filling for divorce (tomorrow). He has completed his obligitory 4yrs plus seperation period and is 'legally' separated. He has been paying 1/2 of his pension to his wife on time and regularly. All the property/cash has been sorted. She does not want him to file for a divorce. They were married 33 years and she did not work outside of the home. OK now the questions:

(1) She wants her half of his pension to be paid directly to her from the Pension Trustees rather then as it is now from himself to her by Standing Order. If he does this and if she were to die before him would her half of the pension revert back to him or would it still have to be paid to her 'estate'?

(2) She wants an order in place that if he dies before her that she will continue to receive this pension payment rather then (for example) his 'new' wife/widow. Can she demand this and would the courts give it to her?