division of property in separation



My partner and I are in process of separating and have to divide property. We own the family home together and my partner inherited a second property 3 years ago - a house and land. I wonder if I would have any claim on the second property in a separation. We have 2 children.
You don't say whether you are married or not, which makes a huge difference to your legal rights.

If we assume that you are married, you have no automatic legal entitlement to a share in your spouses assets on divorce. There is no way that anyone here, with or without legal training can even guess what sort of divorce settlement is appropriate in your case.

The job of the court is to ensure a fair outcome for the couple and especially for the kids in the future, depending on the income and assets of both parents.
Thank you for your messages. We are married and have been to mediation which broke down. I was wondering about the second property in the sense that I could sign away any entitlements to it in the hope that my partner would be agreeable to a quicker resolution to this situation. Thanks again. I am awaiting an appointment with legal aid at the moment.