Distressing item on Liveline.


Registered User
Did anybody hear the story on Liveline yesterday as told by a man stopped in Borrisokane?

He was parked beside this car with a man and 3 young children in it. The children were crying and upset, possibly the fact it was such a hot day and the car inside would have been very warm, may have been the reason.

The man produced what the caller thought was a jockeys whip and turned around and hit children on the knees with it. Mother of children came along, children were screaming, she took them out and driver took off at speed almost hitting another car in the process. No reg no got.

What a sad story, what kind of person would do this, children were about ages 2 to 5 he thought.
'Distressing'...thought you said 'Depressing' which is what that show should be called !!!
Sadly these are true life stories no matter what the show is called.