Distance learning - employers perspective?


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I am considering going back to college to earn my degree however with the work I do I am often required to work late at short notice and was considering something I could do from home. Do potential employers look favourably on qualifications earned this way or would it be considered a "lesser" qualification? Also if anyone has any advise on what to look for when choosing an organisation I would be grateful for any pointers.
Many thanks
I would be surprised to find any negative attitudes towards such degrees, provided they are properly accredited e.g. Open University or Oscailt (where the degree is awarded by DCU or another University). I personally would have a huge amount of respect for someone who was able to stick with a degree part-time on top of holding down a job. The Open University always seemed to be very expensive to me, but the Oscail degrees seem much more affordable.

(The University of London also operate what they call "international programmes" which allow distance learners to gain degrees from some very reputable London institutions e.g. LSE, Goldsmiths etc. However this system does not provide tuition to the best of my knowledge, I think they really just provide reading lists and a syllabus and it is up to the student to study the materials themselves and to present themselves for the appropriate exams when they are ready - I don't know the details though.)
Also, a lot of the new Springboard courses are distance learning, or a mixture of distance learning/classroom. As long as the course is one of these, Oscail, or OU, or can be pegged to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) they should be highly regarded by employers for the motivation and sacrifice required.

There are courses out there operated by private providers offering their own qualifications that are not worth the paper they are written on.
+1 to that.