Disposing of part of my garden - Capital Gains Tax


Registered User
Am I correct in thinking that if I dispose of part of my garden I do not have a CGT liability as it forms part of my PPR. However if this land is to be used for development I lose the relief?
Re: Disposing Part of My Garden - Capital Gains Tax

AFAIK, the only exception is if you are disposing part of your garden when also sellin gyour PPR. There is also a restriction on the size of the Garden that the exemption can be claimed on. If selling part of your garden but not your house then you have a CGT liability I would think. I could be corrected.
Re: Disposing Part of My Garden - Capital Gains Tax

There is a CGT exposure if the site of a PPR has development value. Best to seek professional advice on all issues to do with CGT on property transactions.