Displaying business name - fines?


Registered User
Just wondering about something. Myself and my partner run a small Ltd. Co. from our home. I was reading on the CRO site that you can be fined for not displaying your business name outside the registered CO. address. Should I be putting up some form of sign outside with our Co name? Also do I have to display the Certificate of Incorporation in our office in the house? I presume this would only come in to play if there were an audit, but would they fine for it? Anyone with any experience of this happening? Thanks.
I have never come across this in practice. If there is one I would imaging it is quite small.
You often see very small signs in shops stating that it is the registered office of xyz ltd. i have never heard of anyone being fined for not having such sign.
Imagine if this law were enforced.

The walls outside accountants' offices up and down the country would be plastered with plaques bearing the names of companies who had their registered address there.
Imagine if this law were enforced.

The walls outside accountants' offices up and down the country would be plastered with plaques bearing the names of companies who had their registered address there.

I remember many years ago doing an interview with the then Stokes Kennedy Crowley ( shows how old I am ) , and inside the foyer was such a wall of plaques each about 8" x 6" with the company name & R/O. Imagine the poor devil who had to Brasso them all every week.
Imagine if this law were enforced.

The walls outside accountants' offices up and down the country would be plastered with plaques bearing the names of companies who had their registered address there.

Not all accountants offices ignore this legisltation, but you are right that many of them are making themselves easy targets if the CRO was looking to make some easy money.
Not all accountants offices ignore this legisltation, but you are right that many of them are making themselves easy targets if the CRO was looking to make some easy money.

Presumably it is the business owner or company which would be fined as it is their responsibility, not the accountant or solicitor or other owner of the location used as the R/O.
Presumably it is the business owner or company which would be fined as it is their responsibility, not the accountant or solicitor or other owner of the location used as the R/O.

Agreed, but all cro would have to do is search all business with the same address of each firm of accountants and then they would know x amount of companies that are in breach of the law!
Agreed, but all cro would have to do is search all business with the same address of each firm of accountants and then they would know x amount of companies that are in breach of the law!

True, a handy way to pick up some extra cash. ( anyone from CRO on here )