Disk Size


Registered User
Hi, quick question. I have all 13 episodes of Season 3 of Prison Break in a folder - size 4.43gb. I want to copy the whole lot on to a Blank DVD which says it is 4.7gb. I am using Roxio and when I go to do this, it tells me that I am 59mb over. Rather than having the last episode of Season 3 on the same disc as episode 4, is there anything I can do to fit it all on the one disk??
Are there extra files like subtitles and foreign language stuff you can drop.

Maybe try a different program to write the disk. No experince so no suggestions sorry.
I'm afraid you'll find that 12 x 350MB episodes are all you'll fit onto a standard single layer DVD-R.
It says 4.7GB but only has 4.38GB of available space for writing to; see [broken link removed].
I'm not familiar with Roxio, but use Nero and you should be able to burn compile files as image onto hard drive. Then use DVD Shrink to compress image to a smaller size and then reburn to dvd. Infact you might be just able to compress files via DVD shrink without the image.

I issues with a dvd last year that was too large. Saved files to h.Drive and compressed them using dvd shrink and then reburned them to dvd.

Actually what I did was a bit more complicated than that as in when I reburned them to dvd, I then found out I had issues with Nero 6 and as time was short, I just copied back to dvd (WinDVD maker etc wouldn't let me burn a dvd) which of course means only watchable on laptop and not in a dvd player.

I since upgraded to Nero 9 and reburned once realising my issues was due to having Vista and my version of Nero wasn't at the time compatible with it.
Ya was using the trial version of nero up until last week, but it is expired now. Presume it has to be paid for..
If your dvd burner is dual-layer pick up some blank dual-layer dvd's ..can't remember the exact capacity of the discs but something like 8GB. Quick google will tell you

More importantly, prison break is sh1t3 so i would just save your discs and time ;-)