Discussion: LPT €21m received by revenue, seems high.


Registered User
It is reported that 21 million has been paid to Revenue so far. Would this figure include payments by Standing order which have not yet been implemented as the 21m figure seems very high if it related to actual cash/cheques received.
Anyone who registered to pay by credit or debit card were charged immediately, and I understand that An Post are already accepting cash payments.

I think it's only those who paid upfront ... the likes of future salary deductions are not included in that figure.

The Government will have to get tough (with those who don't pay or legitimately defer the tax) very quickly, after the deadline has past for submission of self assessment under this tax, otherwise it will just become another joke - much in the same way as they allowed the initial annual tax to go. If this happens, the Government will only encourage more people to ignore the next new tax, water charges ....


Mr. Earl.