We often read of substantial funds being allocated by Local Authorities to various projects which seem to be of doubtful benefit.
Now that it is our hard earned money is going to fund such schemes should we do more vigilant in examining how our Councils spend funds and how can this be best achieved.
While passing time recently I came across the accounts of a couple Co Co's and I was amazed that approximately 48% of their total budget was spent on salaries and pensions. I think this is a shocking high % rate. Office accommodation and office equipment/supplies was not included in this.
Q - 48% of their total budget was spent on salaries and pensions
Is this just another example of the dire lack of economical spending in the public sector?
How about someone get hold of local Co Co accounts and raise hell about the waste of money they are now
taxing people to make up the shortfall (again)?
Can you get accounts by asking?
(I feel a mission being born here)