Discovering wire xfer fees in advance

If you are transferring within the Eurozone, it is very simple: You pay for an international transfer as much as you would for a local Irish one. For many account types, this means zero fees. In other cases, it could be about 20 cents. Either way, if there is a fee, it gets charged on top of the amount you are wiring - so if you transfer €100, the full €100 will get sent but you might be charged €100.20 for it. The recipient pays nothing.

If there is a currency exchange involved, it is impossible to predict precisely how much will get transferred. Rates change daily and there might also be fees/commissions.
You seem to including the UK as part of "eurozone". That cannot be correct. Euros wired from a british euro acct to a belgian euro acct cause a fee on both ends, and domestic wires are free at the belgian bank that received the wire. The UK is a pure gamble.
it depends on if a currency transactions is invloved (as per Undo's comment)

also what currency and where to, as there are a number of known costs. i.e a percentage of USD transfers from EU or UK get charged some €20 £15 ish as it has to go through a routing bank in the US. OR if you were sending € to Spain, spanish banks charge a landing fee of us to 2-5%.

What currency and destination are you looking to wire?
What currency and destination are you looking to wire?

I'm not asking with respect to a particular transaction. I want to simply know how much money will appear at the destination, and how much the fees will work out to, assuming no currency conversion.

In my experience with wires, bankers lie, websites mislead, and intermediate banks you don't even know are in play will (out of nowhere) do undisclosed money grabs without the knowledge or authorization of the customer.

Whenever the question is asked how to find out the cost of a wire, the answers given are "ask the banker" -- who I already know I cannot trust. Even if I record the conversation, it's useless because verbal statements given by merchants are not legally binding in Europe.

I want access to the computer that computes these fees, so I can enter a couple BIC codes and a couple account numbers and an amount, so I can do a what-if scenario, and get back an absolute figure that can be trusted. I want a mechanized solution.