Disclaimer Form for Work Experience Staff


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Hi all,

Occassionally we take on students on work experience - some for a day or two. It is at their own request. All of them have been great and no one has got hurt. However it is a business with some risks (small animal vet) and I'm wondering does anyone have a standard disclaimer form for them to sign while working on the premises or where do we stand if someone gets hurt?
Friend owns a shop.
The odd time he brings in a niece or nephew to stock shelves.
His insurance company flipped and said that nobody should be on the premises
in a work capacity unless they are contracted to do so and employed by him.
If they are Transition Year or Leaving Cert students, they should be covered by the School's Policy - when my son was doing WE, he had confirmation from the school stating that he was covered by their policy for work experience to give to the WE employer.

More details here.
If someone is on work experience, your insurance policy will consider them an employee under the definition and cover them.

If the intention is to try and avoid having them considered as an employee in the event of an accident and to stop an employers liaiblity claim being made against your policy by having them sign a disclaimer, I think you would have a hard time getting away with this in court. You let them come in and you have a duty of care to them so you can't just shake it off.
Thanks all - not trying to escape the duty of care, just the hassle of having getting into a court case in the event of something happening. Checking 99% had some kind of insurance from the School / College but it was the 1% i was worried about. Thanks for the advice.