Disc Brakes on a Bicycle - any Disadvantages...?


Registered User
As far as I know, the advantage of disc brakes on a bicycle is that the brake should still work well even in wet weather.

(Are there any other advantages?)

I was wondering though if there are any disadvantages in having disc brakes compared to regular brakes?

Such as is it more difficult to remove the wheel in order to mend a puncture, or do they wear out quicker, etc?

Disk brakes are fairly high spec items, which would be more difficult and expensive to fix if a problem arose. (I think they require special wheels as well to accomodate the fixtures for the disk but could be wrong on that)

Unless you are flying down mountainsides I'd say regular brakes should do the job and if well tuned will stop you in wet conditions.
I probably didn't make clear that I really meant disc brakes that already come with a bicycle when purchased.

One disadvantage is that they would be more expensive to replace than a regular brake, though perhaps they last much longer...?

And would anyone know if it's more difficult to repair a puncture if a bike has a disc brake? For example, is it more difficult to remove the wheel?
It is no more difficult to remove the wheel so it won't be any harder to repair the puncture.