My neighbour spent a fortune getting an extension done to make into a very large kitchen. They bought beautiful and expensive marbel tiles and they were put in before the new kitchen was installed. on the day the kitchen was due she put cardboard down to protect the tiles from scratches! When she came home the cardboard had been flung outside and there was deep cuts into her tiles where the installers had there saw cutting the wood! Its completely ruined but they wont take responsibility and they say another builder did it even tho no other builder was in the house!
The sink she bought is also a deep ceramic one and it has a large chip in of the front of it. they refuse to replace it!
She still owes them €3,000!
What should she do? I suggested not paying the balance until they replace the cost of the tiles and the cost of getting them fit again and the replacement of the sink! Any other suggestions?
The sink she bought is also a deep ceramic one and it has a large chip in of the front of it. they refuse to replace it!
She still owes them €3,000!
What should she do? I suggested not paying the balance until they replace the cost of the tiles and the cost of getting them fit again and the replacement of the sink! Any other suggestions?