Disable child rights (housing)


Registered User
Im a mother of two girls, one 15yo and another 1 year ans 5 months. Baby was born with trysomy 21 (down syndrome) and serious hearth defects and had two hearth operations.
before baby was born i applied for social housing ( i am single parent and baby father left me when i was 3 months pregnant, and he even deleted his profile from social web, so i have no any contact, i dont know where he lives, i even thinking, that he told me false name), and i got rent allowance( at beginning it was 911 eu/m now 780). Today im getting a letter from community officer saying, that he will suspend payment if in 3 weeks i wont seek maintenence from him.
So-going to live to street?
I am already on the edge with finances, so i will not be able rent house.

Any advise, please?
Difficult situation

Difficult situation- have you maintenance from father of your other child? Also, I am sure CWO is probably just 'stress testing' your case, as they would expect you have some way of contacting father of your youngest child- unless it was a one off meeting.

Best advice- be genuine with CWO and they will return your sincerity.
I did it, actualy i am really honest with finances and nobody helping me out with this. I just almost every months im receiving letters from him with new requirements.
It was extremely bad time for me dealing with baby diagnosis , later 2 operations and hospitals(the last operation took 6 hours and baby spend 3 weeks in intensive care) and more, that i dont have family here, i am alone with this.
It is normal to be teased and abused by officer? i do understand, when people abuse social welfare, but i can not get back to work-because of her condition.
And finaly
Convention on the
Rights of the Child says, that disable child has rights to housing. ?