Disability Allowance/Back to Work


Registered User
I am receiving reduced disability allowance due to means test after beginning a new job a while back.I have prospect of starting new job with higher pay .
I used the back to work estimator/calculator for disability allowance on the SW website and it stated I would receive 80eu/wk reduced allowance.

But I checked disability/back to work section on website and it states the maximum you can earn is 432 euros/week for you to get 3 euros/week at this value.

my income will be 500-520 week so does this mean I will receive no disability payment?

Is the online calculator accurate ? or will I lose my payment in total if my income is 500-520 e/wk.

really appreciate your help with this as I tried calling DA few time.

Thanks in advance

It would appear from the citizens information website that if you earn €432 then the entitlement is €3.

If the employment is deemed to be of a rehabilitative nature you can avail of an earnings disregard when SW work out your weekly means i.e. the first €120 of your earnings will be disregarded and 50% of earnings between €120 and €350 will also be disregarded. All earnings above this limit is to be counted as means.

You would probably need to check your entitlement to a medical card - the current cut off rate is €427 for people on DA.