Direct Fiscal Action Required Now!



I am not a revolutionary. I am hard working and bloody annoyed!

It is obvious by now that PTSB have no interest in the fiscal welfare of their customers. An ability to discharge mortgage repayments at extortionate rates seems to be their only concern. It is obvious from the turnout in the Dail last night that the politicians are not far behind them.

The only language banks understand is financial. So we must speak the same language. Charters and principles work great when all sides stick to them.

We need to contact as many PTSB mortgage holders as possible. I believe there are about 110,000 of us. If we can get a decent percentage on board, then we can withhold mortgage repayments and place said repayment into an escrow account. As the media cop on, more will join. I am sure there are some solicitors here that know how these accounts work. Together, with financial might behind us, is the only way we can be heard seriously. By the time the politicians have finished talking we will be years down the line. We need action now. People are suffering.

As the old saying goes, you owe the bank 50k, you are in trouble. If you owe the bank 50m, the bank is in trouble. We need to let the bank know we can cause it trouble. Then the politicians might take heed. This is simply legalised robbery. Do we have grit or do we roll over? The choice is ours and it start right here, right now!
I am totaly in favour of a movement like this. Its time we the people stood up for ourselves and not to rely on the current government to act. They are obviously working in conjuction with the banks in using delay tactics to get every penny they can from us. Even to get a sound bite on the radio that said " 110,00 PTSB mortgage holders to boycot upcoming referendum by voting NO if changes to SVR rates aren't changed" that would fairly rattle some government officials.
How can we call on all PTSB SVR mortgage holders to vote no! Would Charlie Weston mention it on the Last Word on Today FM as he was the one who directed me to this site first day?
I agree wholeheartedly with this move. Reading the news of the political actions (and I support all of those fine persons as well) I see much talk and little action. I just posted on Brendan's thread asking what has changed after the recent FF motion. We still have a government who are acting primarily as a shareholder looking to enhance PTSB's accounts so it can be sold off, rather than protecting their citizens from rogue businesses that are taking advantage of a market with no competition.
I believe the only message they will understand is one that hits them commercially, and this will also hit the goverment as a major shareholder. But this campaign will require some careful co-ordination. The escrow account will cost money to look after, and how do we contact the 100,000 SVR mortgage holders?
Just wondered where all this ire was when the ptsb motion was being debated in Dáil last week?
How many of the 110,000 were in the visitors gallery?
Just wondered where all this ire was when the ptsb motion was being debated in Dáil last week?
How many of the 110,000 were in the visitors gallery?

From what I gather there weren't too many if any from the government there either to engage in the debate.

Would be in favour of the direct action the OP refers to, PTSB are hiding behind a government who won't even attend dail debates on PTSB. This action would make them sit up and do something
From what I gather there weren't too many if any from the government there either to engage in the debate.

Would be in favour of the direct action the OP refers to, PTSB are hiding behind a government who won't even attend dail debates on PTSB.

From what i gather The government amendment was carried 70 to 24
So who were the 70? and who were the 24?
I have no bother stopping my payment... Spoke to Tom Barry TD, Mallow... he said they are able to listen to the debates in their offices which enables them do other work as well, whereas he couldn't if he were in the Dail. He then voted against a motion he described as a Fianna Fail publicity stunt..
I would be in favour of direct action,

I dont think that putting all payments together would be the solution but I can see other ways to force the issue

Please leave a reply if you are sick of this stuff from PTSB so we can gauge numbers
I would also be in favour of some kind of group action.
I was in the Dail for the private members motion and was surprised and dissapointed at the lack of PTSB customers present.
Even if only 5% of PTSB SVR customers came forward last Wednesday night, it would have caused a stir in the media.
Is anyone friends with Joe Duffy or Matt Cooper?
Charlie Weston is on our side but he cant write about it every week!
The best thing for this thread would be to leave it open for people to say that they are willing to get involved

Take the numbers in a week or two and start from there?

It is very frustrating to attend a Dail debate on the issue and to see no cabinet minister in attendance. It is very frustrating to hear the ministers saying that they have no role in this after the pressure they put AIB under back in November.

However, I think the options such as withholding payments and threatening to vote no to the referendum should be very last resorts. And I think we are a fair way away from this. I am not saying that you should not do it, I am saying that you should not do it yet.

Keep up the pressure on your TDs. Keep talking to the media. But give the campaign some time.

I have journalists interested in talking to people who are SVR customers. In particular, they would like to talk to someone who is in arrears because of the high SVR. In other words, someone who could afford to pay the mortgage if they were charged the AIB rate. If you are prepared to talk openly about this, send me a Private Message or email me on brendanataskaboutmoneydotcom


Whilst Brendan still advocates the political route in an attempt to resolve this issue, I am still pondering other means of action, including the direct action that started this thread . The above quote from Niall Brady's excellent article got me thinking. If indeed he is right, and PTSB is in violation of consumer protection codes, then is there a possibility of a 'class action' type challenge to PTSB for indulging in Unfair or Aggressive commerical practice using the offices of the National Consumer Agency?

The more methods that can be used to put PTSB under pressure, which would now include Political, Commercial and Legal, the better. Lets use them all. Anyone out there with some legal knowledge who could comment on the NCA approach? I would be willing to draft up a communication to the NCA to kick things off.
NCA slams AIB over Bank Interest charges on Current a/cs??? Small change when compared to €300 p/m!! The NCA need to get behind this also! They reply to comments left on their Facebook page.
I am not in arrears...yet! But the time will come, as one full salary is used to pay our mortgage (on a modest 2 bed apt-no mansion!).This means that we have to sacrifice in all other area's, which essentially means not spending in the local economy at all (If it is cheaper online from the Europe then that is where it comes from!).

I would have no problem, withholding our mortgage payments to make a point-if we could get all PTSB account holders to do this even for one month to demonstate the level of frustration maybe someone would listen?
Hows about 20 or 30 of us stand outside the Dail with a few placards?

No violence ,no news crews just us standing outside the dail with a few signs just to let the Government we aren't going away..About 2 hours is all,when they are going in or coming out.

When thats done we target a branch for a few hours...
Whatever any of you decide to do (anyone got a spare cement truck?) do something.
Start now.
Ring, call in, write, email. Get in their face is the only way you will get heard.
Make a complete pest of yourself, something I am really good at.
And I would withhold a mortgage payment if needed. The more noise and reaction you create, the more chance of something being done.

I was with my bank today, signing up for another 6 months of interest only mortgage. I gave the bank person sheer hell. I wont clog the thead with the account, but safe to say I wanted to know why I am being squeezed and told them that the reason I am in arrears and interest only is two simple things. One: no work, two: robbery interest rates.

I was actively encouraged to make a complaint to head office.
So there is where people can start. Invade their local branch and put THEM under pressure and start writing.
And don't be ushered to a back room. Stand in the public area for everyone to hear you like I did. You want to see those bank people blush.