digital prints



Bought a digital camera before Xmas. I now want to get some actual prints. Where is the best and cheapest place in Ireland to do this ? Can I send them in somewhere by email ?
Re: here are some online ones

I have used BonusPrint - they are in fact a German company.
They have a Windows client you can install which allows you to select and preview your pictures, then upload them to their server for processing. The software is good - shows you how the picture will look if cropped to analogue sizes, or allows you to select digital print sizes.

Quality was good but the service was slow - ordered prints on the 12th of January, but they didn't arrive in the mail until 21st January, almost 10 days later. The envelope said "Express" which was a bit of a joke.

Still, you can't argue with the price - I developed around 12 prints for €5 including VAT and postage. This was for the smallest digital print size. Bigger sizes are more expensive. (Price list here.)