Digital Camera Samsung Digimax A402

You could do far better - it doesn't even have an optical zoom - digital zoom is for all intensive purposes a waste of space. Optical is the 'real' zoom like on a real zoom lens camera where you can zoom without loss of quality.

go for a fantastic camera -

at Eur221 you are getting Sony Quality and optical zoom and this particular model comes complete with a recharger and NIMH rechargeable batteries - it also has a fantastic battery life. I know, I have one!

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ps this retails in dublin for closer to Eur350 so the Pixmania deal is the biz!

That Sony certainly looks like a good deal. If your friend is real price sensitive there are a few other 4MP cameras on Pixmania in the the Eur140-160 range that nearly all look better on paper than that Samsung, the lack of an optical zoom would put me completely off it too.