Digital camera for web


Registered User
Hi all,
I wish to purchase a camera for for web pictures ( mainly objects ) and would appreciate any advice. I do not need it for Prints as I have a good SLR already. Ease of use and compatability with a 5 yr old home PC. Do I need to purchase a separate Photo Editor package?

Thanks in advance
Wouldn't be big on the whole camera side of things so I'll leave that to some of the more knowledgeable amongst us.
As always, value for money will depend on what quality you require/size of the camera you want all the way down to the look of the camera.

Slainte said:
Do I need to purchase a separate Photo Editor package?
Most cameras will come with some sort of Photo Editing package, so really depends on what you want/need it to do. If the one packaged with the camera isn't as user friendly as you'd like or you just feel you'd like to try something a little different (with more functionality) there are lots of free utilities available out there. Some of the IT threads will cover the free software that people have taken the time to suggest (this may be of interest
In terms of megapixels, a basic camera should be fine
1-2 MP fine for websites
3-4 MP fine for standard prints
6+ MP large prints, zooming, professional work.

The PC might be of more concern. 5yrs should have USB (but may be USB 1, again this should be ok). O/S may be a problem, some come with software that needs XP or Windows Me, and won't work with Windows 98. Should be on the small print on the side of the box.
Thanks for the info. I guess a lower spec camera seems fine for Web photos.
I do not envisage any great need for Photo editing- basically I just need the software to organise the Photos. My main concern is whether a PC with Windows 98 is sufficient to run the software
Something as basic as should be fine, for the kind of shooting you're describing (I'd recommend the Promo pack @€115). No optical zoom, but you don't really need that to photograph inanimate objects for a website. The Kodak software supplied is Windows 98 compatible. The likes of Dixons/Argos/PC World regularly offer similar cheap deals; Aldi recently had a slightly better spec camera on offer for €89.99, IIRC.

Windows 98 will handle photo storage/editing fine (although 98SE is a lot better, I believe). If you don't like the Kodak software, [broken link removed] is a good freebie alternative, and available in a Win98 version. However, you may find that over time your available HD memory (storage space) is being gobbled up, if you end up with thousands of photos — as all digital photographers do! How big and how full is the hard drive on your old PC?
Would you believe I don't know storage status of my PC. However, as I don't have any stored photos and no games it ought to be ok. I will be upgrading to a new PC some time in the future. Currently i would prefer to put my money into the site . From what you're saying a basic package should allow me to get the site up and running. Thanks for your comments
Slainte said:
Would you believe I don't know storage status of my PC.

In Windows Explorer, right click on your 'Local Disk (C:/)' and choose Properties. You'll see a pie chart like this...

[broken link removed]
Hi all,
Yhanks to the Dr and all. I've checked my home PC and have some 6.43 GB free- so I should be ok for a while.

I have two further queries- not sure if I should start a new thread

Domains- .ie : How strict is the naming policy eg If I have can some else register ?

Shopping site: Does anyone have experience of solutions such as oscommerce ? i have checked their website. I'm not sure if I'm cabable of customising it myself? Should I employ some one? My budget is limited!

Any comments, anyone, please?
Domains- .ie : How strict is the naming policy eg If I have can some else register ?

I've found very good. The .com is cheaper than .ie but the .com is first come first served (no restrictions) whilst the .ie is strictly regulated. You must have a valid reason for using a .ie name so I could only register if I had a business, club, etc. named 'Irish Cats'. You can always register a .com and .ie to point to the same web site so you get all traffic whether the user types in the .com or .ie