


ok i have recently been looking into purchasing a digisender so i can watch the channels from my NTL digital box downstairs in my bedroom upstairs. however i have thusfar been having problems with that i cannot watch a differenet channel upstairs than the one downstairs. does any1 no a gd product which will solve my problem????
pie400 said:
ok i have recently been looking into purchasing a digisender so i can watch the channels from my NTL digital box downstairs in my bedroom upstairs. however i have thusfar been having problems with that i cannot watch a differenet channel upstairs than the one downstairs. does any1 no a gd product which will solve my problem????

I don't think there is any product that will work without you getting a second digital box. If there is no connection for one in your bedroom you could connect one wherever you have a spare connection and attach the digisender to this.
There's a very full discussion on resenders somewhere on AAM but not sure where (T.v's?) Basically you need to be able to use your remote control on the receiving unit. Most of them come with a little set of wires with black lumps (only way to describe them) on them. On the sending unit you run this out so one of the lumps is in front of the area that receives the remote control.

If it's any comfort I haven't been able to get it working but you can see the logic...the receiver sends the message to the unit downstairs which then turns it into the signal for the digibox via the lump. My problem may be that I'm not sure exactly where to place the lump
pie400 said:
.. problems with that i cannot watch a differenet channel upstairs than the one downstairs. ..

Get a 2nd ntl digital box - no other solution. The one you have only has one tuner in it so can only output one channel at a time. I notice that ntl have split out the cost of the digital charge on the statement so that the cost of a 2nd unit would be more transparent.

Comparison with splitting an analog cable signal is like comparing apples and oranges - they're just different.
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Those little black lumps might otherwise be described as infra red emmitting LEDs, same things as at the front of your standard remote control (often covered by tinted plastic).

As has been said, a sender will just sent the signal on the AV channel you connect it to, they're not capable of sending the entire spectrum.