Difficulty with Credit Union proof of address.


Registered User
I have a Credit Union account in another part of the country, where I'm originally from.

Under anti money laundering regulations, they're looking for proof of address. The problem is that I don't receive any household bills or other official documentation at that address, so I have nothing to show them.

What can I do? I've ignored the request every year but now feel I should do something about it.
Providing the new address means that it will become obvious that you live outside the common bond area.
Change your address. You can still remain a member of the CU; you only need to meet the common bond requirements when you first join. It might only an issue if you want to borrow money in future, as there is a limit to the amount they can lend to members outside their common bond.

As per your previous thread 4 years ago:

Or move to a CU that you currently have a Common Bond with?
Change your address. You can still remain a member of the CU; you only need to meet the common bond requirements when you first join. It might only an issue if you want to borrow money in future, as there is a limit to the amount they can lend to members outside their common bond.

As per your previous thread 4 years ago:

Or move to a CU that you currently have a Common Bond with?
Oops! Thanks RedOnion. I'd completely forgotten that I'd asked it four years ago. Very embarrassing.
Do you not have any Electric bill in your name ? What about bank statements/updates. I've tried to move all online but I still get banks sending me letters now and again. Is your address on your payslip ? Tax documents ?
The whole limit on lending to members residing outside of the common bond is no longer a thing since the Credit Union Act was amended in 2012, so this won't matter unless the credit union self-imposes a limit. It is mostly ignored by credit unions.