Its now time for me to start o/p my mortgage as I had always planned now that alot of things have settled and I know what I cann afford to overpay.
I tried to do this this morning and I was told that it can only be done in branch. BOI in this instance.
Should there be any logical reason why this cannot be done on line like everything else?
( indeed the banks encourage online banking )
... or is this to deliberately make this procedure more difficult so you dont do it as often as you may? in the banks interest.........
Anyone any experience of this with other lenders or BOI.
Why can I pay money to a friends acc, pay my gas bill or my credit card online but not my mortgage.:mad:
Its now time for me to start o/p my mortgage as I had always planned now that alot of things have settled and I know what I cann afford to overpay.
I tried to do this this morning and I was told that it can only be done in branch. BOI in this instance.
Should there be any logical reason why this cannot be done on line like everything else?
( indeed the banks encourage online banking )
... or is this to deliberately make this procedure more difficult so you dont do it as often as you may? in the banks interest.........
Anyone any experience of this with other lenders or BOI.
Why can I pay money to a friends acc, pay my gas bill or my credit card online but not my mortgage.:mad: